Power Platform Developers Weekly - Issue #112
🥇 Cover Story
💎 Model Driven Apps & Dataverse
😎 Power Automate
If you are working with excel and want to fetch more than 256 rows then read this post.
All about knowledge article sharing is covered in this post.
👍 Everything else in Power Platform
🔨 Tools & Components
🎮 Other Interesting Articles
Dataverse environment administration mode and storage consumption - Jukka Niiranen
New PVA pricing promotion - Power Platform Community
Sharing multiple knowledge articles - The CRM Ninja
Power Apps Pricing Explained - Mo Faheem
🎥 Videos
🐤 Tweets of the week

When you tell your colleagues, that it will be absolutely no problem to build a small #PowerApps frontend for their fancy big-data API in jus ONE day.
The only problem would be to check if we can connect to the API via Custom Connector. 10 Minutes later -> 200
ME:🥳 They: 🤯 https://t.co/SNfSpM8P2k

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